Monday, September 17, 2012

iPhone Art

While enjoying some social networks last night I noticed how much the iPhone is in the media these days. Yes it most likely because the iPhone 5 is coming out just at the end of this week.

and with new iPhones come the launches

With this comes the backlash of the anti-Apple people which I find comedic. My favorite comic so far has been this...

It's sad because it's true. Apple just has a sense about it that (most) people love!

But while going through and seeing all of these posts, one stuck out to me... iPhone Oil Paintings... And no I do not mean this

By Leonid Afremov
But this

These are done by New York based painter J.K. Keller. He uses the oils from our skin and draws things then uses the light to display the different views different angles can create. I thought this was rather interesting yet so easy. It makes me want to go into an Apple Store and create this "art" on all of the displays.

This isn't the only form of iPhone art. Everyone know's the popular game Draw Something! There have been some amazing pieces of work from this game (which supports several platforms but I have seen some great ones from the iPad because of all the space available). 

I mean - look at these! Not perfect by any means but amazing none the less

So what kinds of odd art have you seen?

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