Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Photographers from today's lecture

We learned about a few photographers today in my photo 3 class. Diane Arbus, Loretta Lux and Micheal Disfarmer.
Diane Arbus

Loretta Lux

Micheal Disfarmer

First, Diane Arbus. She is one of the most famous photographers, in the style that she would seek out things that "weren't normal" and photograph it. In the way of this we, as a viewer, are able to stare as long as we want without feeling awkward.

One of the most famous images of her is of the twins. This set of twins was also what gave the director of The Shining the idea of the repeated twins because they were not in the original book, but added to add to the "creep" factor. 

You've seen this, I know it..

Guess who this is....

Yep, that is baby Anderson Cooper

Then we moved onto comparing some Loretta Lux photographs with Diane Arbus but I think Loretta Lux just has some amazing photographs.

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