Monday, January 30, 2012

Day 600... something

It has been just over 2 years that I decided I was going to do studio art as a major. And not much after that did I decide to become a teacher.

So. I think this is a topic I can use to force myself to think of new ways and to brainstorm any ideas I need to save for my future job: being an art teacher.

Each semester I always try to figure out a new way to organize all my thoughts and ideas and the things I learn in class and for awhile Pinterest was working but now I want to have a hand in what I show people. So this is where the blog comes in!

I hope to use this for a couple things, I hope to use it to....

  • share the things I learn in my class
  • share any ideas that pop up for art lessons
  • to share any art lessons I come across
  • articles that seem interesting to me
  • my own work
  • anything else I feel like!
So for that... I will start today. Lets hope this is something that works out. 

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