Monday, September 17, 2012

iPhone Art

While enjoying some social networks last night I noticed how much the iPhone is in the media these days. Yes it most likely because the iPhone 5 is coming out just at the end of this week.

and with new iPhones come the launches

With this comes the backlash of the anti-Apple people which I find comedic. My favorite comic so far has been this...

Friday, September 7, 2012

What is art?

In my art history class, our class is discussing this idea of "what is art?"

Is this art?

What about this?

Does art need to have visual appeal? 

Because I think this doll is rather scary but someone considers it art. 

What about forgeries? (Matt Bomer anyone...??)

I believe this is a never ending cycle of questions.  So - what is your answer to "What is art?"

Thursday, September 6, 2012

The Daily Beacon

Earlier this week I had the great opportunity to have a a full front page photo for  The Daily Beacon!

September 4, 2012

We went through all the images between myself and the other photographer, Matthew DeMaria, after the season opener against NC State for the Chick-fil-A Kickoff Game in Atlanta, GA, and between designers and our sports editor, this was the final image we chose, and it happened to be mine!

It seemed like everyone loved this page, even had some Twitter love 

Wednesday, September 5, 2012


It's interesting to hear about the process of restoring artwork, until one lady decides to take it in her own hands and does not realize what she is doing.

A 80-year-old women decided to restore "Ecce Homo" by Elias Garcia Martinez and this is what is the result. Many people have taken the new painting by storm creating almost a pop culture aspect of it.
The Kiss

The Scream
Lauren Purje –

So what do you think about this? Has restorations become a new form of art? Will this create a new world of outrageous restorations? Hoping that they do not restore the originals of course. 

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

New classes!

It's been awhile since I last posted, but I'm back!

My newest teaching class is teaching me all about technology in the classroom so I want this to be back, and I hope to use this for that class, we will see.

So today I created a new website that I can possibly use in the future in my classroom! It's "Miss Patron's Classroom"

In this class I will get to use several Google pages (sites, documents, blogger, Picassa, etc) as well as learning some softwares that I can use in the future.

I will keep this updated while taking the and maybe with some others. We will see.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Photographers from today's lecture

We learned about a few photographers today in my photo 3 class. Diane Arbus, Loretta Lux and Micheal Disfarmer.
Diane Arbus

Loretta Lux

Micheal Disfarmer

First, Diane Arbus. She is one of the most famous photographers, in the style that she would seek out things that "weren't normal" and photograph it. In the way of this we, as a viewer, are able to stare as long as we want without feeling awkward.

One of the most famous images of her is of the twins. This set of twins was also what gave the director of The Shining the idea of the repeated twins because they were not in the original book, but added to add to the "creep" factor. 

You've seen this, I know it..

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Charles Dickens Birthday!

I think in art it is important for several cross-curriculum topics within each art lesson. Many schools are now requiring integration and collaboration between art teachers and the fellow subject teachers, so with this while I am in school I try to integrate other subjects into my art lessons. So today I decided to brainstorm some on the fact that it is Charles Dicken's birthday!!

Everyone has heard of A Christmas Carol and even other stories like Oliver Twist by the infamous writer. So after a quick google search I came across an interesting integration that a ballet company has done for the schools that come see their A Christmas Carol shows.

The Ulster Ballet Company has a simple lesson plan for schools.
After skimming the lesson plan I thought of a simple way to bring literature, performance and art together. The lesson plan discusses the idea of performance with the piece but not only could students group up and perform a part of the book, they can create the costumes with it. With some brown paper bags, masks, yarn, and anything else they can come up with their own "stage" and do a short performance. This would also help with some social skills with working with each other, something every art class should have at least one project on.

But in my Pinterest search of Charles Dickens I came across this LOVELY design by Rachel Walsh. 

Rachel created this altered book to explain a Kindle to Charles Dickens. I think it is genius!

So today, how would you include Charles Dickens in an art lesson plan?

Sunday, February 5, 2012


So most people today have heard of Pinterest. What some people may not know is the beauty of organization and the things that are even on the website.

What is Pinterest? Simply, a virtual pin board. A simple example is a girl planning her wedding, typically she would buy all the magazines, tear out her favorite pages, then put them in a notebook. Imagine that online. She could browse her favorite websites and "pin" her favorites to her board. Or if she does magazines, simply snap a picture & upload it (no need for annoying notebooks when you can just get it on your phone/computer!)

There is another reason I love Pinterest... the unlimited knowledge of education materials. You can just search "Art Lessons" and find so many different ideas.  Here are some examples of my boards that I use to organize some education stuff as well as some other useful things.



Really and truly you can use Pinterest for anything. People use it for clothing and style, wedding planning, home redecorating, cute animals, anything. 

Some tips for using Pinterest:
  1. If you pin from a blog, make sure you click the blog post first. If you pin from the main page, eventually it will be harder to find the pin. But if you pin from the blog post you will always be able to find it.
  2. Keep your pins organized. I find that I will organize mine once every couple of weeks because one board may become so big that I decided to divid it into different things "Like I would put sewing stuff under DIY but eventually made my own Sewing board"
  3. Have fun! And find anything you want. I seem to find pins I love then go to the blog and love it too.
So please, if you haven't started, you must. Then make sure to follow me!

Follow Me on Pinterest

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

35mm film

One thing I wish would stay around (or maybe not so I can be one who excels in it...) Either way it is something you do not see often. Usually it's "Oh nice camera, can I see the picture?" Umm.. no.. once I get it developed you can totally see it but not till then.

So last night I took the time to go to the photo lab and finally develop all the rolls I needed to develop, including two for my current photo project "Permissions".

7 rolls of film in those canisters. Only took an hour...

But I had 2 rolls of film for the current project then some random rolls that I had taken since last semester. But of the rolls, these were my favorite. 

Monday, January 30, 2012

Transfer and Problem Solving

While sitting here doing my homework for my Educational Psychology homework, the main point in the questions was showing how metacognition, transferring, and problem solving is found in your focus area.

Dealing with transfer, which I feel like is one of the important factors of art (mainly with keeping it in the schools, they must be able to combine with with other subjects) and while looking up random things I came across this article The Arts and the Transfers of Learning. I have not read the article all the way through but I loved this chart that they had..

People must realize that the arts is in every subject and careers that they come across every day. 

But more or less I wanted to showcase a very simple (younger age but could easily be transfered to an older age) lesson plan that helps with problem solving (something I had to do for my questions for my ed psyc class).

The every simple scribble drawing! Students will know they can only use three colors and no line could share the same color.